About Me

Ibrahim Safi

Full-Stack Web Developer · ibraheemsafi@gmail.com

I describe myself as a motivated and hard-working individual, eager to learn to apply new skills in a fast-paced environment . I am knowledgeable in programming and technology with background in electrical engineering always seeking opportunities to further my knowledge and skills in this field.


Energy Engineering and IT Associate

Platek Services Inc (PSI) (Consulting Engineers) - Mississauga, ON

• Developing server-side Linux based cloud web applications to integrate wireless IoT technologies systems (Z-Wave, Zigbee, Wifi) with smart energy management and building automation hardware solutions, using stack of MySQL, PHP, Python, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS.

• Developing and designed complex single page applications with responsive user interface and real-time functionalities pertaining to the energy management and building automation solutions using Object Oriented JavaScript, JQuery, GoogleCharts, HTML5, CSS3, and client/server-side authentication.

• Developing embedded system firmware and algorithms for MCU, ARM-based SBC pertaining to the hardware components of smart solutions and products that used to integrate with instruments, data aquisition devices, building controlling systems, and IoT technologies.

11/2016 - Present


School of Continuous Studies, University of Toronto - Mississauga, ON

Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp Certificate

An intensive 24-week long boot camp dedicated to designing and building web applications. Skills learned consisted of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Firebase, NodeJS, MySQL, MongoDB, GitHub, Heroku, Express, HandlebarsJS, & ReactJS.

09/2018 - 03/2019

Princess Sumaya University for Technology - Jordan

Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Power & Energy Engineering

09/2010 - 06/2015


Apart from being a developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. In the winter, I enjoy playing ice hockey. During the warmer months here in Toronto, I enjoy playing soccer, mountain biking, running in the parks.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of Netflix shows including HBO's Game of Thrones, I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the development world.

Developed Applications & Projects

Project 1 / 11

Programming Languages & Tools



  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Attractive, Iconic UI/UX Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • RESTful API based application
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum